Taliban era vaduv si avea in tara lui un baietel care era ingrijit de bunici pana mai acum o luna, dupa cum se poate citi in conversatia de mai jos. Scuzati-ne engleza de balta si scuzati-ne ca nu dam nume:
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:11:29): who is this
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:13:00): Who do you think it is, didn't you receive the email of address changing?
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:13:05): Don't piss me off
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:13:26): i was not able to use this id
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:13:34): from longtime
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:13:39): yes you told me that before
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:13:50): is possible to know who is with me please
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:14:16): the ID what does it tell you?
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:14:20): huh? Taliban?
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:14:30): billy
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:14:32): how are u
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:14:43): it is raining in italy
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:14:48): you know after a year i open
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:14:54): nice u r in Italy
--- (dupa ce ne vedem pe webcam)
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:16:40): it is a mess in your room
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:16:44): clean up!
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:16:49): really
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:16:51): no time
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:17:06): and why don't you cut your hair shorter?
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:17:26): i see it
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:17:43): who will see me
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:17:51): oh
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:18:13): nihgt shift is like a night shat
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:18:26): well...you chose it
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:18:28): tell me
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:18:36): did you marry that phillippino girl?
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:18:39): i worked last night and today i was in (---)
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:18:45): that girl left
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:18:54): why?
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:19:16): she left and her father was not agree to marry with muslim
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:19:38): she was agree and she cry in phil
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:19:41): Yeah, yeah...
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:19:55): but she go to phil, and her father burn her passport
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:20:28): and now again single........................
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:20:29): Well I do not understand why these women do not take their own life in their hands and let others decide for them.
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:20:46): That is ok, it is not bad to be single, it is better, no stress
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:21:06): i dont know i bought for her two way ticket and her every things was here
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:21:20): and now i cargo every things
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:22:07): but really hard to be a single and specialy now any more for me becuase see wht is my age
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:22:43): i ask no problem i will change for her but not possible to change in muslim country when i wll come to php but.............
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:22:48): Age does not matter.
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:23:22): Besides, if it is so difficult to get a girlfriend of a different nationality, why don't you get a pakistani one?
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:23:36): than i got one more offer from one philippina but i think so she want to play only so i regect
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:23:47): I do not know, you have a son and all that I do not think it is difficult for your parents to find a wife for you
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:24:12): i dont want to stay in pakistan any more and when i dont like for my self how i will like for my future wife and my kids
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:24:43): What is wrong with pakistan? your son is already there, no?Taliban (06.01.2008 10:25:14): my parents can but i dont want, you can red on news about pakistan, taliban kill to ex prime minister binizer boto also
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:25:23): the problem is the taliban
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:25:25): Yes it is true
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:25:33): you know about my son
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:25:50): no you dont know wht happan him
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:26:02): what happened to your son?
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:26:08): no more
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:26:16): how come?
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:26:33): First your wife then your son?
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:26:36): i am sorry
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:26:58): well...but what happened?
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:27:18): Talk!
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:27:20): now i am alone at all
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:27:30): What happened to your son!
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:27:36): i dont have any one any more accept mother and father
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:27:59): what happened to your son?
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:28:07): how many times i have to ask you?
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:28:24): he died in boom blast
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:28:51): where?Taliban (06.01.2008 10:29:00): in pakistan
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:29:28): u did not see his pictures in he was very beautiful,
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:29:41): no i did not because you did not show me
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:29:47): he was a young any more
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:30:06): ?
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:30:16): some day i will email
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:30:23): but i cant open i cant
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:31:59): billy i will go now
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:32:09): i wll talk to later again please
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:32:14): have anice life to u
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:36:05): ok, good luck
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:39:25): ing i am sory
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:39:34): now iam ok
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:40:13): Where was your son when it was the bomb blast?
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:40:23): just that time was very hard
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:40:30): becuase i not told any one
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:40:41): you are the frist person i talk to u
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:40:53): that was in karachi
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:41:11): in karachi where?
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:41:19): school , airport, was he alone?
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:41:34): 1 months before, airport
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:41:41): close to airport
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:41:46): he was alone?
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:41:51): many people
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:42:00): he was with my sister
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:42:25): but my sister that time was far and he was close to that place
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:42:29): your sister died too?
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:42:33): no
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:43:00): she was in hospital for a 8 days but now she is ok
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:45:19): at least
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:45:30): well...and now? what are you going to do?
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:45:59): even i not talk to s... or to any one my friend
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:46:06): why?
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:46:13): i cant any tings just praying
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:46:28): becuase s... familly also joine taliban
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:47:06): why?
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:47:15): all his brothers are reading in taliban schools
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:47:19): i dont know
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:47:44): accept s... the rest of brothers all are same like a t aliban,
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:48:00): But why?
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:48:09): What do they want these Taliban?
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:48:37): thay just want there governament and want to kill people Taliban (06.01.2008 10:48:51): doing crimes
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:49:57): But why they want their own government, are they like Mafia or what? Do they have different opinion about the laws?
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:50:22): thay want there own law
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:50:32): what kind of law?
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:50:37): thay want the people follow if not kill
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:51:24): i naver go to there school but thay have there own religion and thay want every one will follow if some one dont want thay want to kill
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:51:55): they are not muslim?
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:52:03): the problem thay dont like the realll muslims
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:52:34): thay are not muslims but thay call to self muslim, actual thay are opp the holy book of muslims
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:52:34): so...they like Osama Bin Laden?
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:52:46): thay make some changes
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:52:49): yes
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:53:13): aha
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:53:24): they also hate americans, british and so on?
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:53:41): not only americans or british
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:53:59): thay hate all the christion and muslims too
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:53:59): arabs too?
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:54:05): do they hate arabs?
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:54:25): now a days in arab there is many taliban
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:54:31): like osama is arab
Taliban (06.01.2008 10:54:43): osame is from saoudi
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 10:55:07): ok
(06.01.2008 11:06:22): really i want to go any where in the world but not to my country,
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 11:07:03): You do not like Oman?
Taliban (06.01.2008 11:07:03): no
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 11:07:08): Why not?
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 11:07:10): Bahrain
(06.01.2008 11:07:24): i dont like all the arab and specialy muslims country
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 11:07:34): but you are a muslim
Taliban (06.01.2008 11:07:39): closed mind
Taliban (06.01.2008 11:07:49): what ever but i dont like any more
Ingrid T (06.01.2008 11:08:03): ok
Taliban (06.01.2008 11:08:14): thats honesty and thats truth
Si acum sa explic: billy inseamna pisica in urdu sau hindi. Asta era porecla mea. In rest...ce se intampla cred ca nu are nevoie de explicatii. In numele religiei sunt racolati fraierii, li se spala un picut creierele si apoi da-i cu bombe in stanga si in dreapta PENTRU PUTERE.
Un comentariu:
sincer am prieteni prin toata lumea... SUA, Brazilia, spania s.a.m.d. chiar si china si japonia... dar arabi chiar nu am avut ocazia sa cunosc... macar sa stau de vorba cu ei sa vad care e parerea unui om simplu despre tot ce se intampla in regiunea lor... din toata discutia insa reiese ca si Allah sau Coranul nu sunt decat obiecte de manipulat oamenii care ink mai cred in ele si din cate vad sunt destui...
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